Current visualization systems are typically based on the concept of interactive post-processing. This decoupling of data visualization from the process of data generation offers a...
Aesthetic features such as animation, 3D interaction, and visual metaphors are becoming commonplace in multimedia search interfaces. However, it is unclear which attributes are ne...
The traditional architecture for a DBMS engine has the recovery, concurrency control and access method code tightly bound together in a storage engine for records. We propose a di...
David B. Lomet, Alan Fekete, Gerhard Weikum, Micha...
Work on evaluating and improving the relevance of web search engines typically use human relevance judgments or clickthrough data. Both these methods look at the problem of learni...
Hao Ma, Raman Chandrasekar, Chris Quirk, Abhishek ...
We present a novel visual creativity tool that automatically recognizes facial expressions and tracks facial muscle movements in real time to produce sounds. The facial expression...