The present study examined the human ability to learn a new sensory modality, specifically "whisking". An experimental apparatus containing artificial whiskers, force sen...
Consumer game platforms are realizing Ubicomp's vision of seamless, sensor-based, embodied interaction with computation. Here we present Propinquity, a full-body dancing/figh...
Abstract--S4 is a general-purpose, distributed, scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows programmers to easily develop applications for processing continu...
Leonardo Neumeyer, Bruce Robbins, Anish Nair, Anan...
Strong representative democracies rely on educated, informed, and active citizenry to provide oversight of the government. We present Connect 2 Congress (C2C), a novel, high tempo...
This paper focuses on two-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian interfering broadcast channels (MIMO-IFBC) with K cooperating users on the cellboundary of each BS. It...
Wonjae Shin, Namyoon Lee, Jong Bu Lim, Changyong S...