Producing machine translation (MT) for the many minority languages in the world is a serious challenge. Minority languages typically have few resources for building MT systems. Fo...
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is based on alignment models which learn from bilingual corpora the word correspondences between source and target language. These models are...
The aim of this paper is to present the design of a multimodal database suitable for research on new possibilities for automatic diagnosis of patients with severe obstructive slee...
The development of natural language processing (NLP) components is resource-intensive and therefore justifies exploring ways of reducing development time and effort when building ...
Sonja E. Bosch, Laurette Pretorius, Kholisa Podile...
The computational linguistics community in The Netherlands and Belgium has long recognized the dire need for a major reference corpus of written Dutch. In part to answer this need...
Nelleke Oostdijk, Martin Reynaert, Paola Monachesi...