Multimedia ranking algorithms are usually user-neutral and measure the importance and relevance of documents by only using the visual contents and meta-data. However, users’ int...
Liang Gou, Hung-Hsuan Chen, Jung-Hyun Kim, Xiaolon...
In Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR), accurately ranking the returned images is of paramount importance, since users consider mostly the topmost results. The typical ranking st...
Fabio F. Faria, Adriano Veloso, Humberto Mossri de...
Service orientation is one of the solutions for achieving agile enterprises, that helps make an alignment between business and information technology. By the influx of service ori...
Music information retrieval (MIR) holds great promise as a technology for managing large music archives. One of the key components of MIR that has been actively researched into is...
Jialie Shen, Wang Meng, Shuichang Yan, HweeHwa Pan...
—Social tagging is becoming increasingly popular in music information retrieval (MIR). It allows users to tag music items like songs, albums, or artists. Social tags are valuable...