As the Internet grows and network bandwidth continues to increase, administrators are faced with the task of keeping confidential information from leaving their networks. Today...
As part of an ongoing project where SWoRD, a Web-based reciprocal peer review system, is used to support disciplinary writing, this study reports machine learning classifications o...
species and combinatorial Hopf algebras on the one hand, and quantum groups and the classification theory of abstract Hopf algebras on the other. This is part of joint work with Sw...
Abstract--Recent analytical global placers use density constraints to approximate nonoverlap constraints, and these show very successful results. This paper unifies a wide range of...
We study the problem of extracting flattened tuple data from streaming, hierarchical XML data. Tuple-extraction queries are essentially XML pattern queries with multiple extractio...
Wook-Shin Han, Haifeng Jiang, Howard Ho, Quanzhong...