This pearl develops a statement about parallel prefix computation in the spirit of Knuth's 0-1-Principle for oblivious sorting algorithms. It turns out that 0-1 is not quite ...
We show that the reachability problem for recursive state machines (or equivalently, pushdown systems), believed for long to have cubic worst-case complexity, can be solved in sli...
We propose a characterization of PSPACE by means of a type assignment for an extension of lambda calculus with a conditional construction. The type assignment STAB is an extension...
Marco Gaboardi, Jean-Yves Marion, Simona Ronchi De...
The proofs of major results of Computability Theory like Rice, Rice-Shapiro or Kleene's fixed point theorem hide more information of what is usually expressed in their respec...
Translation validation consists of transforming a program and a posteriori validating it in order to detect a modification of its semantics. This approach can be used in a verifie...