SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a recently standardized transport level protocol with several features that better support the communication requirements of paralle...
In contrast to traditional terascale simulations that have known, fixed data inputs, dynamic data-driven (DDD) applications are characterized by unknown data and informed by dynam...
Volkan Akcelik, George Biros, Andrei Draganescu, J...
Columbia is a 10,240-processor supercluster consisting of 20 Altix nodes with 512 processors each, and currently ranked as one of the fastest computers in the world. In this paper...
Rupak Biswas, M. Jahed Djomehri, Robert Hood, Haoq...
The GridFTP extensions to the File Transfer Protocol define a general-purpose mechanism for secure, reliable, high-performance data movement. We report here on the Globus striped ...
William E. Allcock, John Bresnahan, Rajkumar Ketti...
In this paper we describe the evolution of Global File Systems from the concept of a few years ago, to a first demonstration using hardware Fibre Channel frame encoding into IP pa...