There are many query languages (QLs) that can be used to query RDF and OWL ontologies but neither type is satisfactory for querying OWL-DL ontologies. RDF-based QLs (RDQL, SeRQL, S...
Many mobile robot tasks can be most efficiently solved when a group of robots is utilized. The type of organization, and the level of coordination and communication within a team ...
In this paper we present a flow control algorithm designed to improve the performance of ATM network and to gain higher throughput by guaranteeing negotiated cell loss ratio (CLR)...
We define a set of deterministic bottom-up left to right parsers which analyze a subset of Tree Adjoining Languages. The LR parsing strategy for Context Free Grammars is extended ...
Según los expertos, el verdadero potencial de una nueva tecnología suele tardar toda una generación en desarrollarse. En el asunto de los nativos digitales (aquellos individuos ...