This paper describes the use of a World-in-Miniature (WIM) as a navigation and locomotion device in immersive virtual environments. The WIM is a hand-held miniature graphical repr...
Randy F. Pausch, Tommy Burnette, Dan Brockway, Mic...
We proposean approachfor modeling surfacedetails such as scales, feathers, or thorns. These types of cellular textures require a representation with more detail than texture-mappi...
Kurt W. Fleischer, David H. Laidlaw, Bena L. Curri...
This paper presents new solutions to the following three problems in image morphing: feature specification, warp generation, and transition control. To reduce the burden of featu...
Image-based rendering is a powerful new approach for generating real-time photorealistic computer graphics. It can provide convincing animations without an explicit geometric repr...
We present new techniques for computing illumination from non-diffuse luminaires and scattering from non-diffuse surfaces. The methods are based on new closed-form expressions d...