Software frameworks and libraries are indispensable to today’s software systems. As they evolve, it is often timeconsuming for developers to keep their code up-to-date, so appro...
Many software security policies can be encoded as aspects that identify and guard security-relevant program operations. Bugs in these aspectually-implemented security policies oft...
This demonstration shows a novel virtualization architecture, called Multi-Purpose Access Point (MPAP), which can virtualize multiple heterogenous wireless standards based on soft...
Yong He, Ji Fang, Jiansong Zhang, Haichen Shen, Ku...
Abstract—Reliably predicting software defects is one of software engineering’s holy grails. Researchers have devised and implemented a plethora of bug prediction approaches var...
We propose a general, formal definition of the concept of malware (malicious software) as a single sentence in the language of a certain modal logic. Our definition al thanks to it...