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Source Code
15 years 3 months ago
"ImageJ can display, edit, analyze, process, save, and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images. It can read many image formats including TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS, ...
National Institute of Health

Source Code
14 years 2 months ago
Supervised Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
This is the sample implementation of a Markov random field based image segmentation algorithm described in the following papers: 1. Mark Berthod, Zoltan Kato, Shan Yu, and Josi...
Csaba Gradwohl, Zoltan Kato

Source Code
12 years 3 months ago
gradient vector flow
Active contours, or snakes, are computer-generated curves that move within images to find object boundaries. Its 3D version is often known as deformable models or active surfaces ...

Source Code
14 years 3 months ago
The CImg Library
The CImg Library is an open source, C++ toolkit for image processing, designed with these properties in mind : Usefulness CImg defines classes and methods to manage images in y...
David Tschumperlé