The last decade has witnessed substantial progress in speech recognition technology, with todays state-of-the-art systems being able to transcribe unrestricted broadcast news audi...
The first stage in many pattern recognition tasks is to generate a good set of features from the observed data. Usually, only a single feature space is used. However, in some compl...
Recent research has sought to develop formal languages for business communication as more expressive, flexible and powerful alternatives to current electronic data interchange (ED...
Navigating through new voicemail messages to find messages of interest is a time-consuming task, particularly for high-volume users. When checking messages under a time constraint...
Usually the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are derived via Hamming windowed DFT spectrum. In this paper, we advocate to use a so-called multitaper method instead. Mul...
Tomi Kinnunen, Rahim Saeidi, Johan Sandberg, Maria...