
38 search results - page 5 / 8
» spiesr 2001
164views Database» more  SPIESR 2001»
13 years 8 months ago
Content-based image retrieval using wavelet-based salient points
Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has become one of the most active research areas in the past few years. Most of the attention from the research has been focused on indexing t...
Qi Tian, Nicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Etienne Loupia...
113views Database» more  SPIESR 2001»
13 years 8 months ago
Scalable hierarchical video summary and search
Recently, a huge amount of the video data available in the digital form has given users to allow more ubiquitous access to visual information than ever. To efficiently manage such...
Sanghoon Sull, Jung-Rim Kim, Yunam Kim, Hyun S. Ch...
239views Database» more  SPIESR 1998»
13 years 8 months ago
Robust Embedded Data from Wavelet Coefficients
An approach to embedding gray scale images using a discrete wavelet transform is proposed. The proposed scheme enables using signature images that could be as much as 25% of the h...
Jong Jin Chae, B. S. Manjunath
190views Database» more  SPIESR 1998»
13 years 8 months ago
NeTra-V: Toward an Object-Based Video Representation
We present here a prototype video analysis and retrieval system, called NeTra-V, that is being developed to build an object-based video representation for functionalities such as s...
Yining Deng, Debargha Mukherjee, B. S. Manjunath
195views Database» more  SPIESR 1998»
13 years 8 months ago
Relevance Feedback Techniques in Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has become one of the most active research areas in the past few years. Many visual feature representations have been explored and many system...
Yong Rui, Thomas S. Huang, Sharad Mehrotra