Physical and social interactions are constrained, and natural interactions are lost in most of present digital family entertainment systems [5]. Magic Cubes strive for bringing th...
Zhiying Zhou, Adrian David Cheok, Yu Li, Hirokazu ...
Informal conversations occur all day long among employees. These conversations allow employees to share experience such as innovative ideas for performing a task. Internalizing th...
Lori Baker-Eveleth, Suprateek Sarker, Daniel M. Ev...
We describe the development of the CaveUT system, which is a software supporting immersive virtual reality installations based on the Unreal Tournament game engine. CaveUT impleme...
Jeffrey Jacobson, Marc Le Renard, Jean-Luc Lugrin,...
Abstract. This paper presents a set of mechanisms oriented to incorporate social information into the decision taking of task-oriented 3DIVA. The aim of this approach is to integra...
Francisco Grimaldo, Miguel Lozano, Fernando Barber...
"The World as your Palette" is our ongoing effort to design and develop tools to allow artists to create visual art projects with elements (specifically, the color, text...