Abstract. The Service Oriented Architecture paradigm, and its implementation based on Web Services, have been the object of an intense research and standardization activity. One of...
Federico Chesani, Paola Mello, Marco Montali, Paol...
The traditional strategy performed by Information Retrieval (IR) systems is ranked keyword search: for a given query, a list of documents, ordered by relevance, is returned. Releva...
Pierpaolo Basile, Annalina Caputo, Anna Lisa Genti...
Abstract. Enterprise modelling focuses on the construction of a structured description, the so-called enterprise model, which represents (a subset of) the aspects relevant to the a...
Marco Rospocher, Chiara Ghidini, Luciano Serafini,...
Privacy preserving data mining and statistical disclosure control have introduced several methods for data perturbation that can be used for ensuring the privacy of data respondent...
A popular way to measure the degree of dependence between two random objects is by their mutual information, defined as the divergence between the joint and product-of-marginal dis...