A graph G is the k-leaf power of a tree T if its vertices are leaves of T such that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their distance in T is at most k. Then T is a k-le...
A cost-sharing scheme is a set of rules defining how to share the cost of a service (often computed by solving a combinatorial optimization problem) amongst serviced customers. A ...
Nicole Immorlica, Mohammad Mahdian, Vahab S. Mirro...
Given a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectangles, the Minimum-Length Corridor (MLC-R) problem consists of finding a corridor of least total length. A corridor is a set of ...
In the rectangle stabbing problem we are given a set of axis parallel rectangles and a set of horizontal and vertical lines, and our goal is to find a minimum size subset of lines...
Guy Even, Retsef Levi, Dror Rawitz, Baruch Schiebe...
We present simple, fully dynamic and kinetic data structures, which are variants of a dynamic two-dimensional range tree, for maintaining the closest pair and all nearest neighbors...