Many real-life Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) involve some constraints similar to the alldifferent constraints. These constraints are called constraints of difference. Th...
Humanagents typically evolve a set of standard routines for carrying out often-repeated tasks. These routines effectively compile knowledgeabout howto carry out sets of interactin...
Aimsof traditional planners had beenlimited to finding a sequenceof operators rather than finding an optimal or neax-optimalfinal state. Consequent]y, the performanceimprovementsy...
Protection monitors synthesized from plan causal structure provide execution systems with information necessary to detect potential failures early during execution. By detecting e...
We present a new apl)roach , ilhlstrated by two algorithms> for parsing not only Finite SI.ate (:Iranlnlars but also Context Free Grainlnars and their extension, by means of fi...