By definition, a heavyweight network service requires a significant amount of computation to complete its task. Providing a heavyweight service is challenging for a number of reaso...
Finger braille is one of the communication methods for the deaf blind. The fingers of the deaf blind are regarded as keys of a brailler. Finger braille seems to be the most suited...
We describe new techniques to detect and analyze periodic motion as seen from both a static and moving camera. By tracking objects of interest, we compute an object's self-si...
We deal with dynamic equations on time scales, where we characterize the positivity of a system. Uniform exponential stability of a system is determined by the spectrum of its mat...
T. S. Doan, A. Kalauch, Stefan Siegmund, Fabian Wi...
This paper presents an adaptive technique to animate deformable bodies in real-time. In contrast to most previous work, we introduce a multi-resolution model that locally refines...