In software construction, analysis investigates the boundary of a system (scope and requirements), its usage and access, and from a security perspective, who needs access to what ...
Thuong Doan, Steven A. Demurjian, Charles E. Phill...
The description of software architectures has always been concerned with the definition of the appropriate languages for designing the various architectural artifacts. Over the pa...
Abstract. The CASE tool ArgoUWE supports the systematic design of Web applications using the UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) approach. The design methodology of UWE is based on a m...
Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Gefei Zhang, Hanns-Mar...
Abstract. We are developing a methodology of Test-Driven Development of Models (TDDM) based on an experimental UML2.0 modeling tool SMART. Our experience shows that TDDM is quite u...
Susumu Hayashi, Pan YiBing, Masami Sato, Kenji Mor...