Abstract: Recommender systems have become increasingly popular. Most of the research on recommender systems has focused on recommendation algorithms. There has been relatively litt...
Swapneel Sheth, Nipun Arora, Christian Murphy, Gai...
Locating the expertise necessary to solve difficult problems is a nuanced social and collaborative problem. In organizations, some people assist others in locating expertise by ma...
We present an incentive-based architecture for providing recommendations in a social network. We maintain a distinct reputation system for each individual and we rely on users to ...
Rajat Bhattacharjee, Ashish Goel, Konstantinos Kol...
A key element of the social networks on the internet such as Facebook and Flickr is that they encourage users to create connections between themselves, other users and objects. On...
Artus Krohn-Grimberghe, Lucas Drumond, Christoph F...
Documents are recommended by computer-based systems normally according to their prominence in the document reference network. Based on the requirements identified in a concrete u...