We present Tangible-Tango, a system which enables users to fabricate new tangibles and their equivalent 3D virtual models. Thus the cognitive load required to understand and inter...
The field of human computation creates novel user interfaces in order to leverage human capabilities to help solve problems that are difficult to solve using conventional computa...
We consider tasks that require users to be aware of the proximity of two 3D surfaces and where one or both of these surfaces is changing over time. We consider situations where us...
David F. Marshall, Henry J. Gardner, Bruce H. Thom...
We enrich spatial constraint systems with operators to specify information and processes moving from a space to another. We shall refer to these news structures as spatial constra...
Stefan Haar, Salim Perchy, Camilo Rueda, Frank D. ...
Concolic testing is a software testing technique combining concrete execution of a program (given specific input, along specific paths) with symbolic execution (generating new t...
Aggelos Giantsios, Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou, Konstan...
An improvement is a correct program transformation that optimizes the program, where the criterion is that the number of computation steps until a value is obtained is decreased. T...
In 2003, Hofmann and Jost introduced a type system that uses a potential-based amortized analysis to infer bounds on the resource consumption of (first-order) functional programs....
It is well-known that monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors, and in fact so are applicative functors. Unfortunately, the benefits of this unified view are lost when...
We propose a static analysis technique that computes upper bounds of virtual machine usages in a concurrent language with explicit acquire and release operations of virtual machin...