In 1991, Pfenning and Lee studied whether System F could support a typed self-interpreter. They concluded that typed selfrepresentation for System F “seems to be impossible”, ...
We study algebraic datatypes in a manifest contract system, a software contract system where contract information occurs as refinement types. We first compare two simple approac...
We develop a new framework of algebraic theories with linear parameters, and use it to analyze the equational reasoning principles of quantum computing and quantum programming lan...
Building a summary for library code is a common approach to speeding up the analysis of client code. In presence of callbacks, some reachability relationships between library node...
Transfer learning has proven to be a wildly successful approach for speeding up reinforcement learning. Techniques often use low-level information obtained in the source task to a...
Tim Brys, Anna Harutyunyan, Matthew E. Taylor, Ann...
Consider a good (such as a hotel room) which, if not sold on time, is worth nothing to the seller. For a customer who is considering a choice of such goods, their prices may chang...
Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) provide a natural framework to design applications that continuously make decisions based on noisy sensor measurements. The...
In this work we propose a decision-theoretic approach to Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) that seeks to alleviate the need for extensive development and hand-tuning in the desi...
The streams of tweets from and to the Twitter account of urban transport operators have been considered. A computational module has been designed and developed in order to collect ...