Despite decades of research on parsing, the construction of parsers remains a painstaking, manual process prone to subtle bugs and pitfalls. We present a programming-by-example fr...
We present PIDGIN, a program analysis and understanding tool that enables the specification and enforcement of precise applicationspecific information security guarantees. PIDGI...
Andrew Johnson, Lucas Waye, Scott Moore, Stephen C...
Compiler scalability is a well known problem: reasoning about the application of useful optimizations over large program scopes consumes too much time and memory during compilatio...
This paper identifies and formalizes a prevalent class of asymptotic performance bugs called redundant traversal bugs and presents a novel static analysis for automatically detec...
Type inference engines often give terrible error messages, and the more sophisticated the type system the worse the problem. We show that even with the highly expressive type syst...
Danfeng Zhang, Andrew C. Myers, Dimitrios Vytiniot...
We develop a new framework for analyzing recursive methods that perform traversals over trees, called tree dependence analysis. This analysis translates dependence analysis techni...
We describe a system that uses automated planning to synthesize correct and efficient parallel graph programs from high-level algorithmic specifications. Automated planning allo...
Dimitrios Prountzos, Roman Manevich, Keshav Pingal...
We present an approach for compiling a rich subset of APL into dataparallel programs that can be executed on GPUs. The compiler is based on the APLTAIL compiler, which compiles AP...
Fusion is a program optimisation technique commonly implemented using special-purpose compiler support. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, implementing fold-based ...
We present a method for example-guided synthesis of functional programs over recursive data structures. Given a set of input-output examples, our method synthesizes a program in a...