We consider the problem of segmenting multiple rigid motions from point correspondences in multiple affine views. We cast this problem as a subspace clustering problem in which th...
We consider the problem of clustering data lying on multiple subspaces of unknown and possibly different dimensions. We show that one can represent the subspaces with a set of pol...
We propose an original probabilistic parameter-free method for the detection of independently moving objects in an image sequence. We apply a probabilistic perceptual principle, t...
Human gait and activity analysis from video is presently attracting a lot of attention in the computer vision community. In this paper, we analyze the role of two of the most impo...
Ashok Veeraraghavan, Amit K. Roy Chowdhury, Rama C...
We study the problem of estimating the illuminant's direction from images of textured surfaces. Given an isotropic, Gaussian random surface with constant albedo, Koenderink an...
A light field consists of images of a scene taken from different viewpoints. Light fields are used in computer graphics for image-based rendering and synthetic aperture photograph...
Vaibhav Vaish, Bennett Wilburn, Neel Joshi, Marc L...