For purpose of object recognition, we learn one discriminative classifier based on one prototype, using shape context distances as the feature vector. From multiple prototypes, th...
We propose a new approach for face recognition under arbitrary illumination conditions, which requires only one training image per subject (if there is no pose variation) and no 3...
This paper extends the traditional binocular stereo problem into the spacetime domain, in which a pair of video streams is matched simultaneously instead of matching pairs of imag...
Helmholtz stereopsis has been previously introduced as a surface reconstruction technique that does not assume a model of surface reflectance. This technique relies on the use of ...
Todd Zickler, Peter N. Belhumeur, David J. Kriegma...
We introduce a new classification algorithm based on the concept of Symmetric Maximized Minimal distance in Subspace (SMMS). Given the training data of authentic samples and impos...
Videotext recognition is challenging due to low resolution, diverse fonts/styles, and cluttered background. Past methods enhanced recognition by using multiple frame averaging, im...
The body of work on multi-body factorization separates between objects whose motions are independent. In this work we show that in many cases objects moving with different 3D moti...
12 In this paper we study the problem of shape analysis and its application in locating facial feature points on frontal faces. We propose a Bayesian inference solution based on ta...
We consider the problem of segmenting an image into foreground and background, with foreground containing solely objects of interest known a priori. We propose an integration mode...
We describe an algorithm for reconstructing the 3D shape of the scene and the relative pose of a number of cameras from a collection of images under the assumption that the scene ...