This paper presents a novel feature-matching based approach for rigid object tracking. The proposed method models the tracking problem as discovering the affine transforms of obje...
Weiyu Zhu, Song Wang, Ruei-Sung Lin, Stephen E. Le...
Dynamic events can be regarded as long-term temporal objects, which are characterized by spatio-temporal features at multiple temporal scales. Based on this, we design a simple st...
All positive examples are alike; each negative example is negative in its own way. During interactive multimedia information retrieval, the number of training samples fed-back by ...
Perceptual popout is defined by both feature similarity and local feature contrast. We identify these two measures with attraction and repulsion, and unify the dual processes of a...
The National Archives of Singapore keeps a large volume of historical handwritten documents. One common problem with the archives is that over the years, ink sipped through the pa...
The recovery of 3D models from multiple reference images involves not only the extraction of 3D shape, but also of texture. Assuming that all surfaces are Lambertian, the resultin...
Lifeng Wang, Sing Bing Kang, Richard Szeliski, Heu...
Learning-enhanced relevance feedback is one of the most promising and active research directions in recent year's content-based image retrieval. However, the existing approac...
We present a system for modeling buildings from a single correlation-based Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The model is constructed in two stages. The first stage segments the DEM ...
This paper describes a machine learning approach for visual
object detection which is capable of processing images
extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates. This