
Source Code

Itk - The Insight Toolkit

16 years 5 days ago
Itk - The Insight Toolkit
ITK is an open-source, cross-platform system that provides developers with an rich algorithms for image analysis. ITK employs the state-of-the-art algorithms for registering and segmenting multidimensional data. It also supports the Visible Human Project.
Added 16 Dec 2008
Updated 16 Dec 2008
Language C++
Comments (1)
vision.jpgGreat library but...

Itk is a great library that implements very sophisticated algorithms for medical image analysis. You must have a good knowledge of C++ Class Template in order to understand and use exsiting classes. It is also a great tool for medical scientists to create prototypes. For example, they can write a small program that test the accuracy and efficiency of several segmentation and registration algorithms before picking the one that suits their needs and then implement it using their own data structures.

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