This article proposes a stochastic version of the matching pursuit algorithm for Bayesian variable selection in linear regression. In the Bayesian formulation, the prior distributi...
This article introduces a non parametric warping model for functional data. When the outcome of an experiment is a sample of curves, data can be seen as realizations of a stochast...
Abstract In many statistical problems, maximum likelihood estimation by an EM or MM algorithm suffers from excruciatingly slow convergence. This tendency limits the application of ...
The low-Reynolds number motions of Purcell’s three-link swimmer, and of a closely-related two-paddle swimmer, are investigated and compared using slender-body theory and resisti...
Sir James Lighthill proposed in 1992 that acoustic streaming occurs in the inner ear, as part of the cochlear amplifier mechanism. Here we hypothesize that some of the most ancien...
We consider a polymerization (fragmentation) model with size-dependent parameters involved in prion proliferation. Using power laws for the different rates of this model, we reco...
Molecular circadian clocks, that are found in all nucleated cells of mammals, are known to dictate rhythms of approximately 24 hours (circa diem) to many physiological processes. ...