
13 years 10 months ago
Simple Training of Dependency Parsers via Structured Boosting
Recently, significant progress has been made on learning structured predictors via coordinated training algorithms such as conditional random fields and maximum margin Markov ne...
Qin Iris Wang, Dekang Lin, Dale Schuurmans
13 years 10 months ago
Conjunctive Query Answering for the Description Logic SHIQ
Conjunctive queries play an important role as an expressive query language for Description Logics (DLs). Although modern DLs usually provide for transitive roles, conjunctive quer...
Birte Glimm, Ian Horrocks, Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sa...
13 years 10 months ago
Detecting Changes in Unlabeled Data Streams Using Martingale
The martingale framework for detecting changes in data stream, currently only applicable to labeled data, is extended here to unlabeled data using clustering concept. The one-pass...
Shen-Shyang Ho, Harry Wechsler
13 years 10 months ago
A Machine Learning Approach for Statistical Software Testing
Some Statistical Software Testing approaches rely on sampling the feasible paths in the control flow graph of the program; the difficulty comes from the tiny ratio of feasible p...
Nicolas Baskiotis, Michèle Sebag, Marie-Cla...
13 years 10 months ago
Semi-Supervised Learning of Attribute-Value Pairs from Product Descriptions
We describe an approach to extract attribute-value pairs from product descriptions. This allows us to represent products as sets of such attribute-value pairs to augment product d...
Katharina Probst, Rayid Ghani, Marko Krema, Andrew...
13 years 10 months ago
Multi-Agent System that Attains Longevity via Death
We propose a novel approach to self-regenerating systems which require continuous operation, such as security surveillance. For that aim we introduce HADES, a self-regenerating co...
Megan Olsen, Hava T. Siegelmann
13 years 10 months ago
Effective Control Knowledge Transfer through Learning Skill and Representation Hierarchies
Learning capabilities of computer systems still lag far behind biological systems. One of the reasons can be seen in the inefficient re-use of control knowledge acquired over the...
Mehran Asadi, Manfred Huber
13 years 10 months ago
Bayesian Tensor Inference for Sketch-Based Facial Photo Hallucination
This paper develops a statistical inference approach, Bayesian Tensor Inference, for style transformation between photo images and sketch images of human faces. Motivated by the r...
Wei Liu, Xiaoou Tang, Jianzhuang Liu
13 years 10 months ago
r-grams: Relational Grams
We introduce relational grams (r-grams). They upgrade n-grams for modeling relational sequences of atoms. As n-grams, r-grams are based on smoothed n-th order Markov chains. Smoot...
Niels Landwehr, Luc De Raedt