Intelligent agents acting in real world environments need to synthesize their course of action based on multiple sources of knowledge. They also need to generate plans that smoothl...
In order to regulate different circumstances over an extensive period of time, norms in institutions are stated in a vague and biguous manner, thereby abstracting from concrete as...
In this paper, we argue that allowing self-interested agents to activate social institutions during run-time can improve the robustness (i.e., stability, cooperation or fairness) ...
Although undirected cycles in directed graphs of Bayesian belief networks have been thoroughly studied, little attention has so far been given to a systematic analysis of directed ...
In this paper the Minimum Linear Arrangement (MinLA) problem is studied within the framework of memetic algorithms (MA). A new dedicated recombination operator called Trajectory Cr...
Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, Jin-Kao Hao, Jose Torres-...
A powerful and useful approach for modeling knowledge and qualitative reasoning is the Cognitive Map. The background of Cognitive Maps is the research about learning environments c...