This paper combines predictive labeling with dependency pairs and reports on its implementation. Our starting point is the method of proving termination of rewrite systems using se...
Abstract. It has often been claimed that model checking, special purpose automated deduction or interactive theorem proving are needed for formal program development. Recently, it ...
We present a multi-context focused sequent calculus whose derivations are in bijective correspondence with normal natural deductions in the propositional fragment of the intuitioni...
Continuous probability distributions are widely used to mathematically describe random phenomena in engineering and physical sciences. In this paper, we present a methodology that ...
Manna and Pnueli have extensively shown how a mixture of first-order logic (FOL) and discrete Linear time Temporal Logic (LTL) is sufficient to precisely state verification problem...
Abstract. First order logic provides a convenient formalism for describing a wide variety of verification conditions. Two main approaches to checking such conditions are pure first...
Abstract. A method based on dependency pairs for showing termination of functional programs on data structures generated by constructors with relations is proposed. A functional pr...
We present a method for proving rigid first order theorems by encoding them as propositional satisfiability problems. We encode the existence of a first order connection tableau an...
Todd Deshane, Wenjin Hu, Patty Jablonski, Hai Lin,...
Much research concerning Satisfiability Modulo Theories is devoted to the design of efficient SMT-solvers that integrate a SATsolver with T -satisfiability procedures. The rewrite-...