For Description Logics with existential restrictions, the size of the least common subsumer (lcs) of concept descriptions may grow exponentially in the size of the input descripti...
The novel context of accessing and querying large data repositories through ontologies that are formalized in terms of expressive DLs requires on the one hand to consider query an...
On the Semantic Web, there has been increasing demand for a ruleslike expressivity that goes beyond OWL-DL. Efforts of combining rules languages and description logics usually pro...
Fuzzy Description Logics have been proposed in the literature as a way to represent and reason with vague and imprecise knowledge. Their decidability, the empirically tractable an...
Modularity and rigor are two key elements for multi-agent technology. Hong Zhu's multi-agent system (MAS) development method provides proper language facilities supporting mo...
Abstract. Model checking is a fully automated technique for determining whether the behaviour of a finite-state reactive system satisfies a temporal logic specification. Despite th...
Shoham Ben-David, Richard J. Trefler, Grant E. Wed...