One of the challenges facing system e-government security professionals is the laborious task of sifting through numerous log files in an attempt to identify malicious traffic and...
Geographic information retrieval (GIR) is, as a branch of traditional information retrieval, a discipline that tries to enrich data with geographical information to make it suitab...
This paper presents the case of Arinia, a custommade piece of social software with strong similarities to today’s microblogging applications. Arinia has been in use in a medium-...
It is generally acknowledged that macroinvertebrates are good indicators of water quality in streams, as a number of taxa are sensitive to pollution and integrate their response t...
Numerous recent papers have found important relationships between network structure and risks within networks. These results indicate that network structure can dramatically affec...
Paul Hines, Seth Blumsack, E. Cotilla Sanchez, C. ...
We examine IT innovation processes and associated effects on industrial automation for a global supplier of high-technology automation equipment (ABB) and their customer (LKAB), a...
The disparity between data collected in rural and urban counties is often detrimental in the appropriate analysis of cancer care statistics. Low counts drastically affect the inci...
Ross Maciejewski, Travis Drake, Stephen Rudolph, A...
in Progress – Extended Abstract Word count: 3124 Effectively managing IT service centers such as call centers, computerized diagnostic imaging facilities, data centers, e-commerc...
Twitter—a microblogging service that enables users to post messages (“tweets”) of up to 140 characters—supports a variety of communicative practices; participants use Twit...
IT service providers are increasingly required to orientate their service portfolio towards the IT support of their consumer’s business processes. This enables diversification a...