
92views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Towards a Standardized Task Management
: Business processes are increasingly controlled by IT-systems automatically, but they still consist of many tasks that have to be performed by people. Despite an appropriate IT-in...
Tobias Unger, Thomas Bauer
132views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Alignment of Software Specifications with Quality- and Business Goals in the SIKOSA Methodology
: Business-IT alignment for software specifications means that the specifications have to be aligned with business goals. In the SIKOSA research project, we developed the SIKOSA me...
Andrea Herrmann, Daniel Weiß
123views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Towards a Model for Specifying and Composing Concerns in Software Product Line Engineering
Abstract: In order to fulfil sets of similar user requirements within a specific application domain, one typically uses software product line engineering. In this paper, we investi...
Volker Kuttruff
112views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
An Environment for the Orthographic Modeling of Workflow Components
: An important goal of workflow engines is to simplify the way in which the interaction of workflows and software components (or services) is described and implemented. The vision ...
Colin Atkinson, Dietmar Stoll
112views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
The Influence of Environmental Parameters on the Acceptance of Collaboration Tools
: The configuration of the collaboration environment has a significant influence on the development and the use of a collaboration tool. During the development process an optimal a...
Astrid Behm, Asarnusch Rashid
129views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
New Applications for Wikis in Software Engineering
: Within software development, wikis are currently mainly used for brainstorming and documentation purposes or error management and project coordination. This article describes fou...
Michael Geisser, Hans-Jörg Happel, Tobias Hil...
112views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
On the Role of Communication, Documentation and Experience during System Testing - An Interview Study
: The quality of business software is more and more becoming a competitive factor. As complete testing is impossible, testers have to make decisions, e.g. to choose which parts of ...
Timea Illes-Seifert, Barbara Paech
99views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Software-Agenten zur Integration von Informationssystemen im Gesundheitswesen
: Ausgehend von der Analyse der Spezifika im Gesundheitswesen wird das Ziel der integrierten Versorgung identifiziert und erl
Ali Sunyaev, Andreas Schweiger, Jan Marco Leimeist...