
114views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Transforming Exchange-based Job Boards into Lasting Career Communities
Abstract. In this paper, we use a qualitative approach to explore which design aspects an erecruiting platform requires so as to achieve active long-term participation of its users...
Elfi Ettinger, Celeste Wilderom, Rolf Van Dick
119views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Influence Factors of Understanding Business Process Models
The increasing utilization of business process models both in business analysis and information systems development raises several issues regarding quality measures. In this contex...
Jan Mendling, Mark Strembeck
92views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Structural Detection of Deadlocks in Business Process Models
Abstract. A common task in business process modelling is the verification of process models regarding syntactical and structural errors. While the former might be checked with low ...
Ahmed Awad, Frank Puhlmann
93views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Turning a Corporate Folksonomy into a Lightweight Corporate Ontology
Abstract. Companies use company-specific terminology that may differ from the terminology used in existing corporate ontologies (e.g. Tove) and therefore need their own ontology. H...
Céline Van Damme, Tanguy Coenen, Eddy Vandi...
130views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Employee Competencies for Business Process Management
Business process management (BPM) is an approach which empowers companies to react flexibly to new market situations. The main goal of BPM is to improve efficiency and effectivenes...
Stefan Eicker, Jessica Kochbeck, Peter M. Schuler
176views Business» more  BIS 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Community-Driven Ontology Evolution: Gene Ontology Case Study
Abstract. Communities on the Web capture, represent, and evolve their knowledge using ontologies, either explicitly or implicitly. The Gene Ontology project is a typical and advanc...
Anna V. Zhdanova
149views Business» more  BPSC 2007»
13 years 11 months ago
Modelling Business Process Performance
: We present a business process performance evaluation approach based on a hierarchy of interacting analytical performance models from semanticoriented key performance indicator mo...
Witold Staniszkis
171views Business» more  BPSC 2007»
13 years 11 months ago
XML Databases: Principles and Usage
Originally XML was used as a standard protocol for data exchange in computing. The evolution of information technology has opened up new situations in which XML can be used to aut...
Jaroslav Pokorný
202views Business» more  BPSC 2007»
13 years 11 months ago
Towards Autonomic Processes and Services
More than ever, computing devices are becoming more powerful and networked, organizational boundaries are dissolving, and underlying information systems become more complex, thus r...
Schahram Dustdar