Generating expository dialogue from monologue is a task that poses an interesting and rewarding challenge for Natural Language Processing. This short paper has three aims: firstly...
Coreference resolution is governed by syntactic, semantic, and discourse constraints. We present a generative, model-based approach in which each of these factors is modularly enc...
We investigate methods of generating additional bilingual phrase pairs for a phrasebased decoder by translating short sequences of source text. Because our translation task is mor...
Most work on language acquisition treats word segmentation--the identification of linguistic segments from continuous speech-and word learning--the mapping of those segments to me...
The quality of a statistical machine translation (SMT) system is heavily dependent upon the amount of parallel sentences used in training. In recent years, there have been several...
Producing a fluent ordering for a set of prenominal modifiers in a noun phrase (NP) is a problematic task for natural language generation and machine translation systems. We prese...
In this paper, we describe an approach based on off-the-shelf parsers and semantic resources for the Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) challenge that can be generally applied t...
We present results from a range of experiments on article and preposition error correction for non-native speakers of English. We first compare a language model and errorspecific ...