
13 years 11 months ago
Quantification and Implication in Semantic Calendar Expressions Represented with Finite-State Transducers
This paper elaborates a model for representing semantic calendar expressions (SCEs), which correspond to the intensional meanings of natural-language calendar phrases. The model u...
Jyrki Niemi, Kimmo Koskenniemi
13 years 11 months ago
Experiments in Base-NP Chunking and Its Role in Dependency Parsing for Thai
This paper studies the role of base-NP information in dependency parsing for Thai. The baseline performance reveals that the base-NP chunking task for Thai is much more difficult ...
Shisanu Tongchim, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Hitosh...
13 years 11 months ago
On the Weak Generative Capacity of Weighted Context-free Grammars
It is shown how weighted context-free grammars can be used to recognize languages beyond their weak generative capacity by a one-step constant time extension of standard recogniti...
Anders Søgaard
13 years 11 months ago
Detecting Erroneous Uses of Complex Postpositions in an Agglutinative Language
This work presents the development of a system that detects incorrect uses of complex postpositions in Basque, an agglutinative language. Error detection in complex postpositions ...
Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Ko...
13 years 11 months ago
Rank Distance as a Stylistic Similarity
In this paper we propose a new distance function (rank distance) designed to reflect stylistic similarity between texts. To assess the ability of this distance measure to capture ...
Marius Popescu, Liviu Petrisor Dinu
13 years 11 months ago
The Power of Negative Thinking: Exploiting Label Disagreement in the Min-cut Classification Framework
Treating classification as seeking minimum cuts in the appropriate graph has proven effective in a number of applications. The power of this approach lies in its ability to incorp...
Mohit Bansal, Claire Cardie, Lillian Lee
13 years 11 months ago
Scaling up Analogical Learning
Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in analogical learning for NLP applications. If the principle of analogical learning is quite simple, it does involve complex steps ...
Philippe Langlais, François Yvon
13 years 11 months ago
Easily Identifiable Discourse Relations
We present a corpus study of local discourse relations based on the Penn Discourse Tree Bank, a large manually annotated corpus of explicitly or implicitly realized relations. We ...
Emily Pitler, Mridhula Raghupathy, Hena Mehta, Ani...
13 years 11 months ago
Word Sense Disambiguation for All Words using Tree-Structured Conditional Random Fields
We propose a supervised word sense disambiguation (WSD) method using tree-structured conditional random fields (TCRFs). By applying TCRFs to a sentence described as a dependency t...
Jun Hatori, Yusuke Miyao, Jun-ichi Tsujii
13 years 11 months ago
A Language-Independent Approach to Keyphrase Extraction and Evaluation
We present Likey, a language-independent keyphrase extraction method based on statistical analysis and the use of a reference corpus. Likey has a very light-weight preprocessing p...
Mari-Sanna Paukkeri, Ilari T. Nieminen, Matti P&ou...