
13 years 11 months ago
Summarizing Emails with Conversational Cohesion and Subjectivity
In this paper, we study the problem of summarizing email conversations. We first build a sentence quotation graph that captures the conversation structure among emails. We adopt t...
Giuseppe Carenini, Raymond T. Ng, Xiaodong Zhou
13 years 11 months ago
Shallow Dependency Labeling
We present a formalization of dependency labeling with Integer Linear Programming. We focus on the integration of subcategorization into the decision making process, where the var...
Manfred Klenner
13 years 11 months ago
Machine Translation by Triangulation: Making Effective Use of Multi-Parallel Corpora
Current phrase-based SMT systems perform poorly when using small training sets. This is a consequence of unreliable translation estimates and low coverage over source and target p...
Trevor Cohn, Mirella Lapata
13 years 11 months ago
Phrase Chunking Using Entropy Guided Transformation Learning
Entropy Guided Transformation Learning (ETL) is a new machine learning strategy that combines the advantages of decision trees (DT) and Transformation Based Learning (TBL). In thi...
Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Cícero Nogueira do...
13 years 11 months ago
Lexicalized Phonotactic Word Segmentation
This paper presents a new unsupervised algorithm (WordEnds) for inferring word boundaries from transcribed adult conversations. Phone ngrams before and after observed pauses are u...
Margaret M. Fleck
13 years 11 months ago
A Symbolic Approach to Near-Deterministic Surface Realisation using Tree Adjoining Grammar
Surface realisers divide into those used in generation (NLG geared realisers) and those mirroring the parsing process (Reversible realisers). While the first rely on grammars not...
Claire Gardent, Eric Kow
13 years 11 months ago
Enhancing Performance of Lexicalised Grammars
This paper describes how external resources can be used to improve parser performance for heavily lexicalised grammars, looking at both robustness and efficiency. In terms of robu...
Rebecca Dridan, Valia Kordoni, Jeremy Nicholson
13 years 11 months ago
Improved Word-Level System Combination for Machine Translation
Recently, confusion network decoding has been applied in machine translation system combination. Due to errors in the hypothesis alignment, decoding may result in ungrammatical co...
Antti-Veikko I. Rosti, Spyridon Matsoukas, Richard...
13 years 11 months ago
Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums
Online forum discussions often contain vast amounts of questions that are the focuses of discussions. Extracting contexts and answers together with the questions will yield not on...
Shilin Ding, Gao Cong, Chin-Yew Lin, Xiaoyan Zhu
13 years 11 months ago
A System for Large-Scale Acquisition of Verbal, Nominal and Adjectival Subcategorization Frames from Corpora
This paper describes the first system for large-scale acquisition of subcategorization frames (SCFs) from English corpus data which can be used to acquire comprehensive lexicons ...
Judita Preiss, Ted Briscoe, Anna Korhonen