Local bundle adjustment (LBA) has recently been introduced
to estimate the geometry of image sequences taken by
a calibrated camera. Its advantage over standard (global)
bundle ...
This paper presents a solution to the problem of pose estimation
in the presence of heavy radial distortion and a potentially
large number of outliers. The main contribution is
This paper proposes a method to recover the embedding
of the possible shapes assumed by a deforming nonrigid
object by comparing triplets of frames from an orthographic
video se...
Vincent Rabaud (University of California, San Dieg...
During this talk, I will introduce a novel family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions: the similarity between two distributions q and p is measured in the co...
Florent Perronnin (Xerox Research Centre Europe), ...
This paper presents a nonparametric approach to labeling
of local image regions that is inspired by recent developments
in information-theoretic denoising. The chief novelty
of ...
This paper presents Bayesian edge inference (BEI), a
single-frame super-resolution method explicitly grounded in
Bayesian inference that addresses issues common to existing
Bryan S. Morse, Dan Ventura, Kevin D. Seppi, Neil ...
We present a focus-based method to recover the orientation
of a textured planar surface patch from a single image.
The method exploits the relationship between the orientation
Our goal is to turn an intensity image into its perceived luminance without parsing it into depths, surfaces, or scene illuminations. We start with jarring intensity differences at...
Active learning strategies can be useful when manual labeling
effort is scarce, as they select the most informative
examples to be annotated first. However, for visual category
Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan (University of Texas a...
A variety of flexible models have been proposed to detect
objects in challenging real world scenes. Motivated
by some of the most successful techniques, we propose a
Paul Schnitzspan (TU Darmstadt), Mario Fritz (Univ...