Scene understanding from a monocular, moving camera is a challenging problem with a number of applications including robotics and automotive safety. While recent systems have show...
Christian Wojek, Stefan Walk, Stefan Roth, Bernt S...
Most existing structure from motion (SFM) approaches for unordered images cannot handle multiple instances of the same structure in the scene. When image pairs containing differen...
Richard Roberts, Sudipta Sinha, Richard Szeliski, ...
We present the design and implementation of new inexact Newton type Bundle Adjustment algorithms that exploit hardware parallelism for efficiently solving large scale 3D scene re...
Changchang Wu, Sameer Agarwal, Brian Curless, Stev...
Human activity recognition and speech recognition appear to be two loosely related research areas. However, on a careful thought, there are several analogies between activity and ...
2-D face recognition in the presence of large pose variations presents a significant challenge. When comparing a frontal image of a face to a near profile image, one must cope w...
We introduce a new large-scale video dataset designed to assess the performance of diverse visual event recognition algorithms with a focus on continuous visual event recognition ...
Sangmin Oh, Anthony Hoogs, A.G.Amitha Perera, Chia...
We present novel approaches for fully automated extraction of tree-like tubular structures from 3-D image stacks. A 4-D Open-Curve Active Contour (Snake) model is proposed for sim...
From conventional wisdom and empirical studies of annotated data, it has been shown that visual statistics such as object frequencies and segment sizes follow power law distributi...
Alex Shyr, Trevor Darrell, Michael Jordan, Raquel ...
Conventional non-blind image deblurring algorithms involve natural image priors and maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimation. As a consequence of MAP estimation, separate pre-process...