We consider the problem of reconstructing the shape of a surface with an arbitrary, spatially varying isotropic bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), and introdu...
Most recent class-level object recognition systems work with visual words, i.e., vector quantized local descriptors. In this paper we examine the feasibility of a dataindependent ...
Traditional image retrieval methods require a "query image" to initiate a search for members of an image category. However, when the image database is unstructured, and ...
In this work, we present a common framework for seeded image segmentation algorithms that yields two of the leading methods as special cases - The Graph Cuts and the Random Walker...
Aligning a pair of blurred and non-blurred images is a prerequisite for many image and video restoration and graphics applications. The traditional alignment methods such as direct...
Correspondence establishment is a key step in statistical shape model building. There are several automated methods for solving this problem in 3D, but they usually can only handl...
Boosting has been widely applied in computer vision, especially after Viola and Jones's seminal work [23]. The marriage of rectangular features and integral-imageenabled fast...