Automatic non-rigid registration of 3D time-varying data is fundamental in many vision and graphics applications such as facial expression analysis, synthesis, and recognition. De...
In this paper we study the following problem: given two source images A and A , and a target image B, can we learn to synthesize a new image B which relates to B in the same way t...
Prior distributions are useful for robust low-level vision, and undirected models (e.g. Markov Random Fields) have become a central tool for this purpose. Though sometimes these p...
In this paper, an analysis of locally linear embedding (LLE) in the context of clustering is developed. As LLE conserves the local affine coordinates of points, shape protrusions ...
Fabio Cuzzolin, Diana Mateus, David Knossow, Edmon...
This paper proposes a technique for estimating piecewise planar models of objects from their images and geometric constraints. First, assuming a bounded noise in the localization ...
We present a novel structure learning method, Max Margin AND/OR Graph (MM-AOG), for parsing the human body into parts and recovering their poses. Our method represents the human b...
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yifei Lu, Chenxi Lin, Alan...
Traditionally, object recognition is performed based solely on the appearance of the object. However, relevant information also exists in the scene surrounding the object. As supp...
In this work, we introduce a novel implicit representation of shape which is based on assigning to each pixel a probability that this pixel is inside the shape. This probabilistic...
Traditional face recognition systems attempt to achieve a high recognition accuracy, which implicitly assumes that the losses of all misclassifications are the same. However, in m...