—When comparing clustering results, any evaluation metric breaks down the available information to a single number. However, a lot of evaluation metrics are around, that are not ...
Elke Achtert, Sascha Goldhofer, Hans-Peter Kriegel...
Abstract—This paper revisits the classical problem of multiquery optimization in the context of RDF/SPARQL. We show that the techniques developed for relational and semi-structur...
Wangchao Le, Anastasios Kementsietsidis, Songyun D...
—Statistical information extraction (IE) programs are increasingly used to build real-world IE systems such as Alibaba, CiteSeer, Kylin, and YAGO. Current statistical IE approach...
—Sequence analysis is very important in our daily life. Typically, each sequence is associated with an ordered list of elements. For example, in a movie rental application, a cus...
Yu Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Liangliang Ye, Phi...
—Shortest distance query between two nodes is a fundamental operation in large-scale networks. Most existing methods in the literature take a landmark embedding approach, which s...
—We demonstrate DPCube, a component in our Health Information DE-identification (HIDE) framework, for releasing differentially private data cubes (or multi-dimensional histogram...
Abstract— Recently, lots of micro-blog message sharing applications have emerged on the web. Users can publish short messages freely and get notified by the subscriptions instan...
Over the past several decades, the study of conjunctive queries has occupied a central place in the theory and practice of database systems. In recent years, conjunctive queries h...
Database theory and database practice are typically the domain of computer scientists who adopt what may be termed an algorithmic perspective on their data. This perspective is ve...
In this paper we introduce a new and general privacy framework called Pufferfish. The Pufferfish framework can be used to create new privacy definitions that are customized t...