XPORT is a profile-driven distributed data dissemination system that supports an extensible set of data types, profiles types, and optimization metrics. XPORT efficiently implemen...
We introduce XPORT, a profile-driven distributed data dissemination system that supports an extensible set of data types, profile types, and optimization metrics. XPORT efficientl...
We introduce a method to discover optimal local patterns, which concisely describe the main trends in a time series. Our approach examines the time series at multiple time scales ...
We present and analyze an algorithm for equivalent rewriting of XQuery queries using XQuery views, which is complete for a large class of XQueries featuring nested FLWR blocks, XM...
Given a dataset P and a preference function f, a top-k query retrieves the k tuples in P with the highest scores according to f. Even though the problem is well-studied in convent...
For Web applications in which the database component is the bottleneck, scalability can be provided by a third-party Database Scalability Service Provider (DSSP) that caches appli...
Amit Manjhi, Anastassia Ailamaki, Bruce M. Maggs, ...
Main memory is a critical resource when processing longrunning queries over data streams with state intensive operators. In this work, we investigate state spill strategies that h...
With the amount of available text data in relational databases growing rapidly, the need for ordinary users to search such information is dramatically increasing. Even though the ...
Fang Liu, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng, Abdur Chowdhu...
Modern scientific applications consume massive volumes of data produced by computer simulations. Such applications require new data management capabilities in order to scale to te...