Overlapping and multi-version techniques are two popular frameworks that transform an ephemeral index into a multiple logical-tree structure in order to support versioning databas...
Broad web search engines as well as many more specialized search tools rely on web crawlers to acquire large collections of pages for indexing and analysis. Such a web crawler may...
Spatio-temporal databases store information about the positions of individual objects over time. In many applications however, such as traffic supervision or mobile communication ...
Dimitris Papadias, Yufei Tao, Panos Kalnis, Jun Zh...
Web-based information systems provide to their users the ability to interleave querying and browsing during their information discovery efforts. The MIX system provides an API cal...
Streaming data analysis has recently attracted attention in numerous applications including telephone records, web documents and clickstreams. For such analysis, single-pass algor...
Liadan O'Callaghan, Adam Meyerson, Rajeev Motwani,...
Matching elements of two data schemas or two data instances plays a key role in data warehousing, e-business, or even biochemical applications. In this paper we present a matching...