Working remotely is becoming the norm for both professionals and students alike. Software development has become a global industry due to outsourcing, teleworking, flex time, and ...
Cloud computing is rapidly increasing in popularity. Companies such as RedHat, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and IBM are increasingly funding cloud computing infrastructure and resea...
Justin Cappos, Ivan Beschastnikh, Arvind Krishnamu...
For decades, US universities and colleges have had policies pertaining to the conduct of their students at the institutional level. These policies are referred to as Academic Inte...
Charles Riedesel, Eric D. Manley, Susan Poser, Jit...
Test-Driven Design (TDD) has been shown to increase the productivity of programming teams and improve the quality of the code they produce. However, most of the introductory
Like a screenplay, a program is both a static artifact and instructions for a dynamic performance. This duality can keep laypeople from appreciating the complexity of software sys...
In this paper, we report on our experience in designing and delivering two new software design courses in the Informatics major at UC Irvine. When the major was created in 2004, i...
Can engaging students in free and open source software (FOSS) pique their interest in computer science? This paper describes an introductory computer science course that introduce...
This paper describes how a graphical user interface (GUI) programming course offered by the Dept. of Computer Science (CS) was paired with a general teaching methods course offere...
This paper describes the integration of the Alice 3D virtual worlds environment into a diverse set of subjects in middle school, including the development of tutorials, example wo...
Susan H. Rodger, Jenna Hayes, Gaetjens Lezin, Henr...