ABC is a public-domain system for logic synthesis and formal verification of binary logic circuits appearing in synchronous hardware designs. ABC combines scalable logic transforma...
Abstract. We apply model checking of knowledge properties to the design of distributed controllers that enforce global constraints on concurrent systems. We calculate when processe...
This paper proposes a method for automatically inserting check statements for access control into a given recursive program according to a given security specification. A history-b...
Abstract. Controlling concurrent systems to impose some global invariant is an undecidable problem. One can gain decidability at the expense of reducing concurrency. Even under thi...
Saddek Bensalem, Marius Bozga, Susanne Graf, Doron...
Many applications require protection of secret or sensitive information, from sensor nodes and embedded applications to large distributed systems. The confidentiality of data can b...
Using FPGAs to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) applications is attractive, but has a huge associated cost: the time spent, not for developing efficient FPGA code but fo...
Thermal energy harvesting using micro-scale thermoelectric generators is a promising approach to alleviate the power supply challenge in ultra low power systems. In thermal energy...
Chao Lu, Sang Phill Park, Vijay Raghunathan, Kaush...
Memories play a key role in FGPAs in the forms of both programming bits and embedded memory blocks. FPGAs using non-volatile memories have been the focus of attention with zero bo...