
13 years 11 months ago
Formalizing Dependency Directed Backtracking and Explanation Based Learning in Refinement Search
The ideas of dependency directed backtracking (DDB) and explanation based learning (EBL) have developed independently in constraint satisfaction, planning and problem solving comm...
Subbarao Kambhampati
13 years 11 months ago
Is "Early Commitment" in Plan Generation Ever a Good Idea?
Partial-Order Causal Link planners typically take a "least-commitment" approach to some decisions (notably, step ordering), postponing those decisions until constraints ...
David Joslin, Martha E. Pollack
13 years 11 months ago
Comprehensibility Improvement of Tabular Knowledge Bases
This paper discusses the important issue of knowledge base comprehensibility and describes a technique for comprehensibility improvement. Comprehensibility is often measured by si...
Atsushi Sugiura, Maximilian Riesenhuber, Yoshiyuki...
13 years 11 months ago
Deciding to Remind During Collaborative Problem Solving: Empirical Evidence for Agent Strategies
Previous work suggests that reminding a conversational partner of mutually known information depends on the conversants' attentional state, their resource limits and the reso...
Pamela W. Jordan, Marilyn A. Walker
13 years 11 months ago
Structured Circuit Semantics for Reactive Plan Execution Systems
A variety of reactive plan execution systems have been developed in recent years, each attempting to solve the problem of taking reasonable courses of action fast enough in a dyna...
Jaeho Lee, Edmund H. Durfee
13 years 11 months ago
On the Size of Reactive Plans
One of the most widespread approaches to reactive planning is Schoppers' universal plans. We propose a stricter definition of universal plans which guarantees a weak notion o...
Peter Jonsson, Christer Bäckström
13 years 11 months ago
Supporting and Optimizing Full Unification in a Forward Chaining Rule System
The Rete and Treat algorithms are considered the most efficient implementation techniques for Forward Chaining rule systems. These algorithms support a language of limited express...
Howard E. Shrobe
13 years 11 months ago
An Algorithm for Probabilistic Least-Commitment Planning
We de ne the probabilistic planning problem in terms of a probability distribution over initial world states, a boolean combination of goal propositions, a probability threshold, ...
Nicholas Kushmerick, Steve Hanks, Daniel S. Weld