
14 years 5 days ago
A Case Study on the Critical Role of Geometric Regularity in Machine Learning
An important feature of many problem domains in machine learning is their geometry. For example, adjacency relationships, symmetries, and Cartesian coordinates are essential to an...
Jason Gauci, Kenneth O. Stanley
14 years 5 days ago
Near-optimal Observation Selection using Submodular Functions
AI problems such as autonomous robotic exploration, automatic diagnosis and activity recognition have in common the need for choosing among a set of informative but possibly expen...
Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin
14 years 5 days ago
An Effective and Robust Method for Short Text Classification
Classification of texts potentially containing a complex and specific terminology requires the use of learning methods that do not rely on extensive feature engineering. In this w...
Victoria Bobicev, Marina Sokolova
14 years 5 days ago
Magic Sets for Data Integration
Wolfgang Faber, Gianluigi Greco, Nicola Leone
14 years 5 days ago
On the Enactability of Business Protocols
Protocols specifying business interactions among autonomous parties enable reuse and promote interoperability. A protocol is specified from a global viewpoint, but enacted in a di...
Nirmit Desai, Munindar P. Singh
14 years 5 days ago
Enabling Intelligent Content Discovery on the Mobile Internet
The mobile Internet is a massive opportunity for mobile operators and content providers, but despite significant improvements in handsets, infrastructure, content, and charging m...
Barry Smyth, Paul Cotter, Stephen Oman
14 years 5 days ago
A Theory of Expressiveness in Mechanisms
A key trend in (electronic) commerce is a demand for higher levels of expressiveness in the mechanisms that mediate interactions. We develop a theory that ties the expressiveness ...
Michael Benisch, Norman M. Sadeh, Tuomas Sandholm
14 years 5 days ago
Anticipatory Perceptual Simulation for Human-Robot Joint Practice: Theory and Application Study
With the aim of fluency and efficiency in human-robot teams, we have developed a cognitive architecture based on the neuro-psychological principles of anticipation and perceptual ...
Guy Hoffman, Cynthia Breazeal