
13 years 12 months ago
Expecting the unexpected: representing, reasoning about, and assessing construction project contingencies
Planning, scheduling and effective management of contingencies are crucial for the successful management of construction projects. In this paper we explore a mathematical represen...
G. Ryan Anderson, Nilufer Onder, Amlan Mukherjee
13 years 12 months ago
Monte Carlo methods in the physical sciences
I will review the role that Monte Carlo methods play in the physical sciences. They are very widely used for a number of reasons: they permit the rapid and faithful transformation...
Malvin H. Kalos
13 years 12 months ago
Simulation optimization for industrial scheduling using hybrid genetic representation
Simulation modeling has the capability to represent complex real-world systems in details and therefore it is suitable to develop simulation models for generating detailed operati...
Marcus Andersson, Amos Ng, Henrik Grimm
13 years 12 months ago
Finite-sample performance guarantees for one-dimensional stochastic root finding
We study the one-dimensional root finding problem for increasing convex functions. We give gradient-free algorithms for both exact and inexact (stochastic) function evaluations. ...
Samuel Ehrlichman, Shane G. Henderson
13 years 12 months ago
Multi-resolution spatial simulation for molecular crowding
Spatial phenomena attract increasingly interest in computational biology. Molecular crowding, i.e. a dense population of macromolecules, is known to have a significant impact on t...
Matthias Jeschke, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher
13 years 12 months ago
Using event simulation to evaluate internet protocol enhancements for special services
Disasters can cause extraordinary service demand by the public, while concurrently causing outages that reduce network capacity to serve the surging demand. It is imperative that ...
David A. Garbin, Patrick V. McGregor, Denise M. Be...
13 years 12 months ago
A simulation-based algorithm for supply chain optimization
In a supply chain, there are wide variety of problems, such as transportation scheduling problems and warehouse location problems. These problems are independently defined as opt...
Takayuki Yoshizumi, Hiroyuki Okano
13 years 12 months ago
Automated generation and parameterization of throughput models for semiconductor tools
Cluster tools play an important role in modern semiconductor fabs. Due to their complexity in configuration and their varying material flow, the creation of accurate throughput mo...
Jan Lange, Kilian Schmidt, Roy Borner, Oliver Rose
13 years 12 months ago
Subset selection and optimization for selecting binomial systems applied to supersaturated design generation
The problem of finding the binomial population with the highest success probability is considered when the number of binomial populations is large. A new rigorous indifference zo...
Ning Zheng, Theodore Allen
13 years 12 months ago
Simulation optimization applied to injection molding
In this work, a simulation optimization method developed by Villarreal and Cabrera-R
Maria G. Villarreal, Rachmat Mulyana, José ...